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Engagement Collection

Wedding Lucas e Tiziana

I have often been asked what I thought were the essential ingredients for a perfect wedding photo shoot.
The answers that came to mind were so many: a breathtaking landscape, a couple in love who is not only aesthetically beautiful but who trusts and loves your work, carefully designed settings, a warm and enveloping light and last but not least importance of the invited guests
It's incredible how in this wedding in the beautiful Masseria San Nicola in Fasano, none of these elements were missing! In fact, the combination of all these elements helped me create a photo shoot in which beauty and emotion can truly be perceived in almost every shot.
Tiziana and Lucas are a young, beautiful, cheerful couple, truly very romantic and they have chosen a formidable location.
We empathized right away, they decided to organize an intimate wedding with a limited number of guests. I love intimate weddings because not only do they allow me to fully talk about the connections between those present, but towards the end I can feel part of the party and sometimes I really regret leaving.
This is what happened in this wedding in the beautiful Masseria San Nicola in Fasano in Puglia.
Speaking of the location, it was my first time working in Puglia and I was truly fascinated by the warm atmosphere you can breathe and the expanses of olive trees that make every sunset special.
This marriage had everything for me. The joy and the accelerated heartbeats, the union and the sense of love, the serenity of the couple and the family, I felt part of a big hug and I will never be able to forget that magic.

  • Service


  • Client

    Wedding Lucas e Tiziana

  • Published

    December 5th 2023


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